I wanted to do something really fun for both of Rylee's teachers for school this year. They have both been amazing with her and so caring and understanding with all of her health issues! I wanted something fun and I was thinking about what is something different than most of the other kids would do!!! So I randomly, (with one of my other rAnDoM friends), came up with the 12 days of Christmas! You can see from the pictures I just typed up some cheesy sayings and put them on cute scrapbook paper so I won't bore you with all of the exact wording, I just wanted to give you ideas to grow on and make your own! I would love your feedback on other ideas you could have done for the days listed!
Day 1: Partridge in a Pear Tree-Pear scented soap from Bath and Body Works
Day 2: Two Turtle Doves-Turtles candy
Day 3: Three French Hens- French Vanilla Coffee
Day 4: Four Calling birds- This one was HARD-if you look it up it means black birds. I finally decided to spin off the word calling so I did a cute message board "in case someone called"
Day 5: Five Golden Rings: A bag of funyons
Day 6: Six Geese a Laying-Egg Nog
Day 7: Seven Swans A Swimming- A swan Book
Day 8: Eight Maids A Milking- Homemade Milk Chocolates ( I did Peanut Butter Balls, Peppermint Bark, Chocolate Covered Pretzels, ect)
Day 9: Nine Ladies Dancing- Home made Lady Fingers
Day 10: Ten Lords a Leaping- Burger King Gift Card
Day 11: Eleven Pipers Piping-Cupcakes with #11 Piped on.
Day 12: Twelve Drummers Drumming-KFC- the card said "This Drum Stick is on us!"
So as you can see nothing too big, but lots of fun. Not to Mention Rylee had TONS of fun taking all the gifts. Just remember, you have to start with 12 SCHOOL days left before Christmas. We had to start Dec 4th so that we can finish on time!