Thursday, September 22, 2011

So much to catch up on!!!

I feel like I have abandoned my blog.  Life has changed so much since my last blog.  The biggest new change is that we are adding a new family member. I'm not talking about a dog or cat. It's true we are having a baby!
If you think this is a surprise for you, you should have seen me.  I'm so thankful for this tiny little life, but after two fertility babies I was NOT prepared for a surprise pregnancy. With the first two there was lots of testing and waiting and then one pregnant there were weekly ultrasounds. This was not the case this time.  In fact other than weekly shots the start was pretty normal.  I made it past the week of sickness starting with no changes at all.  Once I thought I was out of the clear, bam!!! Here came the sickness! We did have a few emergency ultrasounds and then some follow up ones for some things that came up. Now they are about every 4 weeks which are far apart for me! Not only did we get a surprise baby, we got our BOY!!!!

We are so excited, and a little scared at the same time. I don't handle surprises very well. I like to think things through and plan long and hard before making life changing choices. I can't wait to meet this little guy, but it's meaning BIG changes for our home.  I've had donating on my heart a lot this year and we are about to do that more than ever! Most of our things MUST go.  First we will be having a garage sale to buy some of the things that we will NEED for Landon. We got rid of almost everything thinking that we will not need it anymore.  What's left from the garage sale will be donated to charity.  After that we will tackle some summer donating trips we had planned until sickness took over.
We are about to teach our girls that less is more.  While I'm sad this wasn't a bigger priority I'm so thankful that it's happening now!

Other things that we missed out on blogging on...
First family of four vacation! We went to Great Wolf Lodge.  When we booked the trip we had no idea that I would be pregnant or that it would be the hottest summer of our lives!!! It was so relaxing.  We didn't leave the hotel once.  It was so heavenly. The hotel was fantastic and the girls loved it.
Which leads to our next...
Hannah's first concussion.  Actually a first for any of our kids.  We had about one week of not eating, lots of sleeping, and lots of falling down, but we are happy to say she is much better now.
Rylee's first pedicure...
She is my girly girl! She loved every second of it.  It was part of a special date night with mommy and daddy and she talked about it for weeks!!!
Rylee starts cubbies...
She's loving it.  It's exciting to see her learn and retain scripture!
Hannah grows up...
She's getting bigger and things are changing.  She started potty training herself and we quickly learned that she didn't really understand. It's hard to tell what she understands and what she doesn't since she refuses to speak! So frustrating.  She also lost her pacifier recently which is something that I should have done long ago.  She was upset the first day, but not really after that!
All in all, we had a great and exciting summer! Can't wait to see what fall holds for us. I promise to be more faithful blogger and lots of pictures will be included!
Attempting Potty Training

Canvas Painting

Spaghetti Dinner

Last days with a paci

Great Wolf Lodge

First Pedicure

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