Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Where ever HE leads...

I wish I could say that I would go willingly, but I've recently learned that if it's outside of my comfort zone I fight.  In case you haven't heard, Ryan and I have made the decision to home school our children.  Well, that's a lie.  GOD decided that we would home school our children.  I argued with him for about 9 months (I tried really hard to tell God the home school message MUST be for the neighbors) and then one day I became so overcome by God's calling, that I burst into tears and poured my heart out to Ryan about this.  After 9 months of fighting God, losing sleep, and actually DREAMING about home school (remember Adam and Eve??? You really cannot hide from God) I had to tell him what I had been feeling.  Secretly, I was hoping that Ryan would tell me that he didn't feel like that's where God was calling our family, but to my surprise God had been dealing with him too about this. We prayed about it and I met with some amazing women that I can really trust to guide us and the decision was made...WE ARE NOW A HOME SCHOOL FAMILY.  However, more fears were there and all I could do was trust that God would show himself.  How would we ever afford it? Homeschooling is expensive and with the girls, I feel like it is very important to not only give them an education, but allow them to use their love for arts and crafts. It was also never an "option" for us, character training was a must.  How would we ever afford the start up costs with me only working part time and student loan payments? God has been overwhelming with his provisions.  Tonight I received the tub pictured and as I went through it with my husband I was literally brought to tears about how the Lord has provided for us.  There must have been hundreds of dollars worth of supplies in this tub.  We did a fundraiser, and out of no obligation to anyone people supported us.  Another HUGE blessing.  Remember that character curriculum I insisted on? A sweet lady at our church had 3 of the 4 units of the exact one I wanted to use.  I had already started looking at others because I knew there was no way we could ever afford that one.  Thank you Lord!!! It's been overwhelming, literally, to see how God has provided for us when we were faithful to what He was calling us to do.  I won't lie, I'm scared.  Actually, I'm terrified!!!! If you think about it, keep us in your prayers.  It's going to be a huge adjustment for all of us.  Right now, however, I'm just overwhelmed and grateful for all He is teaching us right now!

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